Your company’s social media pages are what opens the doors to the conversions made on your website. It’s important to have social media accounts on all platforms for your business, but it is essential to have a strong and organized website. Here are five things that your website should incorporate to drive traffic and revenue.


1.Strong About Us Page

Your About Us page will undoubtedly be one of the most visited webpages on your site. Most businesses use their About Us pages to talk about their brand history and founders, which is a commonly noticeable mistake. When people click on your About Us page, they’re not looking for your company’s history, they have a problem that needs solving, and they’re reading you’re About Us page to see if your company can help them based on your credentials.

Your business About Us page should tell prospective customers who you are and how you can help them. For example, try referring to your team as experts within your company’s industry and tie it back to how you will help prospective customers. You’re About Us page can inspire your target audience to trust you by showing that you’re reliable and have a proven track record.

2. Call To Action

Give your prospective customers a call to action throughout your website. A call to action is prompting a person to take a desired action. Websites incorporate a call to action to get their prospective customers to take the next steps, ultimately leading to conversions and increasing the company’s revenue.

Let’s say you want your call to action to be booking a consultation appointment. Rather than just keeping your call to action limited to your Contact Us page, start by incorporating your call to action throughout your website. 


3. Quality Content 

In addition to your business’s social media sites, your website should also support content. One of the best ways to feature content on your website is by creating a Blog page. 

Creating a Blog page on your website will benefit your business by using keywords that search engines can pick up and help prospective customers find your website. We suggest that you post to your Blog weekly and, to build a following, send out newsletters to promote your posts.


4. Easy Navigation 

Visitors need to be able to navigate their way around your website easily, as this can  make or break the first impression of your site and business overall.  Not everyone is excellent at navigating a new website structure, so the key to keeping all users engaged is to make your navigation simple. Website navigation allows visitors to flow from one page to another without frustration.


5. Mobile Responsive Design

Most of the time, visitors view your website on their mobile devices, so you must make sure that your website is compatible with mobile devices. 

A mobile device’s software does its best to automatically arrange the content based on your mobile device’s size, but most times, it looks unorganized and can confuse a new visitor on your site. To keep your page aesthetically pleasing, make sure your site is compatible with mobile devices and desktops.


When planning your business’s website, use these five things that every website needs as a checklist. If you need help getting started, our design team can help customize your website to fit your style and professional needs.