Ein Od Milvado was started in loving memory of Chaya Bistritzky A”H. Ruchama Chaya Fruma bas R’ Dov Pinchas.
“Ein Od Milvado” was Chaya’s motto and mind frame throughout her entire life. During the entire time that Chaya A”H was sick in the hospital, she strongly believed that everything is from HaShem and that there is “No One But Him”.
Throughout her illness, Chaya A”H, did not compromise on her Emunah (belief in Hashem). With 10 years studying in her emunah group “Chillers”, and her involvement in the Chizik Mission, Chaya A”H said HaShem gave her the refuah before the makka. After the petirah of Chaya A”H, her family began the Ein Od Milvado campaign. Giving out bracelets, phone pockets, and magnets, and selling sweaters leilui nishmas Chaya, and continuing on her legacy.
ClientEin Od MilvadoServicesWeb DesignYear2020Linkeinodmilvado1.com